Sunday, June 19, 2011

Almost Over

Sunday, June 19, 2011

We left the opera about midnight. We had already had 2 rain stoppages and the second act (of 4) was over. The best of this opera is in Act 2 so we were ready to leave. We said goodbye to Flavio and Loredana close to where they had parked and walked the several blocks back to the apartment, just as it was starting to sprinkle again.

Had some monster thunderstorms about 2am and 3am so I hope the opera was done by then. One of the good things about the overnight rain was that it cooled things off and kept people off the streets so it was a quieter night.

Woke at 7am on Sunday to clear skies and cooler air.

We had a light breakfast, finished our packing, loaded all the suitcases in the car, gassed the car, and departed Verona about 9:45am. It was a leisurely 1 and a half hour drive to Milan on the autostada. As we got half way, we could start seeing the western side of the Italian Alps, where thee was still a lot of snow. Drove around Milan for an hour looking for a couple sights but the signage was so bad we didn't find a thing so headed north to find Milan's airport - Malpensa. It's almost 4o miles out of town and in the middle of nowhere. The Holiday Inn Express is rather neatly hidden in the middle of nowhere as well...

More later...

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