Sunday, June 12, 2011

June 12 Update

We spent yesterday, June 11, traveling thru Slovenia to Croatia where we then went to the furthest southern point of the Istrian peninsula, to an old Roman city named Pula. Pula has one of the few remaining coliseums left.
It's in worse shape than the one in Rome and the one in Verona, Italy. But it was great to see it...

This area is also part of what has been called the Dalmatian coast. It used to belong to Yugoslavia when it existed.

Made our way back to Trieste and had to go out for pizza and gelato, again... As they say - Someone's got to do it...

Today, on Sunday, we left Trieste early and headed back thru Slovenia, then thru Austria, past Salzburg, into Bavaria, Germany, past Munich, and down to Garmisch, Germany.

While passing thru Austria we did stop at Lake Bled, not a well known place by most Americans. Just happened to be hosting the 2011 World Rowing Championships there today so we took in the scenery and watched some of the competitions. Never heard an American name called...

It was a REALLY nice place to visit. Too bad it is so difficult to reach. Becca and Jenny kept entertained by trying to feed all the ducks and swans.

We checked into the Armed Forces Recreation Cdenter's (AFRC) newest hotel-the Edleweiss, built in 2004 when we were last visiting. It's really nice. Unpacked a bit and headed to one of my facvorite spots in the world - Oberammergau, Germany - thew capital of woodcarving. Took a tour of the town, then had to eat. 3 types of noodles/dumplings fo9r Jenny, a cheesy spaetzle for Becca, and I had again to sacrifice by having a schnitzel and beer...

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